How to place an order

All fields, except the "Additional information" field, need to be filled in.

1. Theme. Formulate the theme of your research.    
For example: Legal regulation of international transport system.

2. Keywords. Enter the most semantically significant words on the subject, divided by comma. If you would like to get sources in a foreign language, enter the keywords in this language.     
For example: transport law, contract of carriage of goods.

3. Purpose of the query. Indicate the research.

4. Types of document. You can select several types of document. Select the item "Electronic resources" to get Internet resources and documents in electronic form. If there are no necessary type of document in this list, you can specify it in the "Other" text field.
5. Availability of documents. The breadth of publications coverage included in the list of literature. The item "Information Resources of the National Library of Belarus" provides the selection of documents only from the funds and electronic resources (databases) of the NLB. The item "Everything on the subject" supposes the inclusion of documents, absent not only from the funds of the NLB.

6. Language. Specify the language of the documents. If you need to select the material in foreign languages, select the language in the "Other" field.

7. Chronological period. Choose the years of publishing of documents in interest. If there are no restrictions, indicate "All years ". In the "Other period" field, you can specify an interval.
For example: from the 80's of the 20 century till now; from the end of the 19th century to 1941.

8. The number of bibliographic records. You can limit the number of sources depending on the purpose of the work or your preferences. The number of sources included in the list determines the cost of the service.

9. Send the full texts of documents. If the electronic texts of documents are available, they can be provided to you for an additional fee. The cost of copying depends on the number of files.

10. In the “Additional information” field, you can specify the additional data or the information required for effective search.

11. Payment methods. Choose the most convenient way of payment. See the section "Help: How to pay the order".

For more info: +375 17 293 27 40 (from 10 to 17 hours on weekdays),
+375 17 293 27 38 (from 17 to 21 hours on weekdays, from 10 to 18 hours on weekends).