How to make a request

All fields, except for “Additional information”, are mandatory.

The text field length is up to 255 characters. If your text is longer you should break it up into multiple messages or send by email

1. Kinds of documents. Select the type of document for which you want design elements. In the absence of relevant data in the list, specify them additionally in the “Other” text box.

2. Design elements. Select design elements required for your paper.

3. Author. Provide the author’s name, surname, patronymic (if any) or initials.

4. Title. Provide the title of the paper for which you want design elements.

5. Theme. Specify the theme of the paper for which you want design elements.

6. Brief annotation or keywords. Make a brief annotation or enter, separated by commas, the most significant words from your paper (article, dissertation, abstract, monograph) that define what the content is about.

7. Purpose, subject and object of your study. This field is filled only for dissertations and abstracts.

8. "Attach file". The file may contain a title page, publishing abstract, content (table of contents), introduction, other elements allowing identifying the content of your paper and industry it belongs to.

11. Payment method. Choose the most convenient method of payment. For more info, see the section ”Help. How to pay”.

For more info, please, call:
(+375 17) 293 26 74, (+375 17) 293 26 78, (+375 17) 293 26 77, (+375 17) 293 26 85, (+375 17) 293 26 89 (from 9 AM to 5 PM on weekends).