Document indexing

You can request bibliographic indexing of your papers with the use of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), the Library-Bibliographical Classification (BBK), the Code of State Categories Scientific and Technical Information (GRNTI) and author number, according to specified parameters.

The service is available to both readers and remote users of the library. The service is provided to legal entities on the basis of the agreement.

The service is executed within 1 to 3 business days.

All completed works are invoiced according to the Service Price List. Rush fees are not applicable.

The number of online orders is not limited. You can also place an order offline at the National Library of Belarus.

MS Word file containing the list of indexes will be sent to your email.

Before placing an order, please read the Service Procedure.

For more info, please, call:
(+375 17) 293 26 74, (+375 17) 293 26 78, (+375 17) 293 26 77, (+375 17) 293 26 85, (+375 17) 293 26 89 (from 9.00 to 17.00 on weekdays).