How to check the order status

To check the current status of your order, you need to sign in (enter your login name and password).

Select the item "Orders" – “Current orders” in your profile page to see a list of all the orders you have placed.

For more info about an order, click on its title to go to a page with more detailed information.

Order statuses:

  • newest (an order has just got into the order database);
  • during execution (the service is fulfilled in a first-in-first-out basis, so the days for order acceptance and fulfillment may vary significantly. This status appears only when your order is being processed);
  • in finalization (the status is used for other services);
  • awaiting payment (pay for the invoice by the method selected above);
  • paid;
  • completed;
  • cancelled.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 27 23