How to check my order status

To check the current status of your order, you need to sign in (enter your login name and password).

Select the item "Orders" – “Current orders” in your profile page to see a list of all the orders you have placed.

For more info about an order, click on its title to go to a page with more detailed information.

Order statuses:

  • new (your order has been placed successfully);
  • in process (your order is being processed by the operator of the document delivery service);
  • ready for payment (the cost of your order has been set by the operator, you can pay via Internet Banking or Internet Acquiring, or print a payment receipt to pay for the service in any branch of the bank or the Belarusian postal service Belposhta;
  • paid (your order has been paid successfully);
  • completed (the order has been sent to your email address);
  • in finalization (the service operator is carrying out reference and bibliographic revision of your order for clarifying the title of the publication, article, author's name or other information, since the document specified in your request is not available);
  • canceled due to (the reason why the order cannot be executed is indicated).

For more info: +375 17 293 29 14; 
+ 375 17 293 27 14